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About Hangzhou,China
时间:2014-07-21 20:05:45    浏览次数:1512        

About Hangzhou,China
Hangzhou was settled as early as 4,700 years ago, by the aurora Liangzhu Civilization. One of the seven ancient capitals and the scenic tourism and historical culture cities in China, Hangzhou once was applauded as" the most splendid and luxurious city in the world" by Marco Polo, the Italian traveler in the 13th century. 

       Under the jurisdiction of Hangzhou are 8 districts, 3 county-level cities and 2 counties, with a total area of 16,596 square kilometers and a total population of 6.4278 million. As a central city on the Southern wing of Yangtze Delta, Hangzhou's city proper covers an area of 3,068 square kilometers with a population of 3.932 million. 
With the agricultural structure adjustment deepened and agricultural industrialization accelerated, the efficiency agriculture of Hangzhou is witnessing rapid development. Hangzhou attaches much importance to the construction of "Silicon Valley in Paradise"and the development of high and new technology industries, among which the"the Information Port and New Pharmacy Port", Hangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone, Hangzhou High-New Technological Industries Development Zone, and High Education Park are the backbones. The four major pillar industries of food processing, machinery, electronic communications, and textile with considerable scale and advantages have formed. In 2003, above-scale industrial enterprises in Hangzhou accomplished the total output value of RMB 319.851 billion and taxes RMB 34.776 billion. The export-oriented economy has been developing quickly with more opened areas and increased opening extent. By the end of 2003, Hangzhou had successively approved 6,120 foreign funded projects from 60 industries throughout the world. The investors were from 76 countries and regions all over the world. 42 out of the Top 500 world enterprises had settled down in Hangzhou. In 2003, the total foreign trade export value reached USD 10.95 billion (an increase of 29.2% over the previous year), USD 6.47 billion of which were from municipal-level foreign trade exports. Its products were exported to 180 countries and regions all over the globe. The total import value of Hangzhou was USD 7.28 billion, an increase of 57.5%. Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport has been developing new international lines, accelerating its contact with overseas airports, and promoting its reputation. 

Sciences and educations in Hangzhou are advanced, and there are 35 colleges, numerous polytechnic schools, and more than 80 natural science research institutes here. The total number of college students is 269,800. In addition, Hangzhou also boasts its rapidly developing culture and sanitation causes, increasingly improved housing situation and community environment. It has altogether 12 national honors including National Hygienic City and National Environment Protection Model City, etc. In October 2001, Hangzhou won UN Human Habitat Award in October 2002, and the honor of International Garden City. Since 2000, Hangzhou has successfully held the annual West Lake Expo four times, and made known its city brand name by launching four gold name cards (traveling, living, learning, and careering in Hangzhou), a channel for the world to know Hangzhou and for Hangzhou to head for the world. 
As a key national tourist city, historical and cultural city and sub-provincial level city as confirmed by the State Council, Hangzhou, renowned as "Paradise on Earth", "Cultural State", "Home to Silk", "Home of Tea" and "Land of Fish and Rice", is going to have a more promising tomorrow
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